What does it take to be a world-class speaker?
Lot of people likes to speak, whether in front of the audience or in a group discussion. But it depend what the topic have been discussed. It’s not easy to be a world class speaker. You must possess several things before you can succeed in life.To be a world class speaker, it’s more than braveness to facing the audience. We must have the confident facing lot of peoples, including very famous person i.e. a VIP. As we know people like this, the VIP, have lot of question in their mind. So we must always be ready at anywhere and at anytime. For example, if you are one of the speaker or motivator, people will often asking you very hard and weird question to test your knowledge and your understanding about the topic you have discussed. By then, people will judge the way you answering their question. So in order to be a world class speaker, you must have the gut to facing the audience and answering their question and fulfill their needs
What are the other requirement to become world-class speaker other than possessing good confidents and a loud volume? Having loud volume and confident still cannot guarantee you to become a world-class speaker. In order to become more successful in becoming world-class speaker, you must have the looks. Without the looks, people will underestimate your skill and your gratefulness as a professional speaker, but not only that, people will disrespect at you because of your messy image. For example, you are invited to come to a formal dinner at special occasion in conjunction with the best result student in one school. The school’s principal asking you to deliver a speech to motivate all the students in order to stimulate their mind and spirit in facing upcoming exam. Unfortunately, you are wearing a round-collar t-shirt and a jean during that time. Peoples will start staring and talking about your improper appearance. There, you will lose your respect and it’s hard to gain their attention and trusts back. So appearance also plays an important role in becoming the world-class speaker
Furthermore, a good speaker always has something in mind to talk about. But the things that differentiate between an ordinary speaker and an outstanding speaker is the way their present their speech. A professional speaker must possess the something that will catch the audience’s interest before he or she start its speech. Let’s imagine it this way, an ordinary yet inexperience speaker starts its speech according to what it wrote in his paper and the event went very well without any interruption. But the consequences is, all the audience starts to feel bored and tired of listening to what he speak. The audience or the listener kind of bored due to nothing interesting that catch their attention during his speech. But, on the other hand, a true professional speaker always starts his speech with a story or jokes that are related to the topic that he about to speak. With this, since the beginning of his speech, the audience will pay full intention on his topic and of course not feeling bored at all. If the speaker manage to control his audience i.e. manipulating his audience mood, that are the characteristic of world-class speaker!!!
In the end, what does it take to be a world-class speaker? Well, it is all depend on you whether you want to fight in order to success in achieving your ambition or vice versa. But remember, not all things in this world come in handy, even the inventor of a light bulb have failed 9999 times before he succeed at 10000. The point is, if you want to be a better person, or to be a world-class speaker, practice, practice, practice, and more practice as practice will make you perfect and one day you will become one of the best speaker in the world!!!